CSD products |
This is a detailed list of materials to help you to study and design projects and thus, solve the course without complications. Please, get used to asking us as many questions as necessary.
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
AT1.1 | Circuit_C (P1) | AT1.2 | Circuit_W, (Lab1.1) |
AT1.3 | Circuit_W, (Lab1.2) | AT1.4 | Circuit_K |
AT1.5 | Circuit_P | AT1.6 | Circuit_Q |
AT2.1 | Circuit_Async | AT2.2 | Circuit_Sync1 (update) |
AT2.3 | Circuit_Async2 Highlighted P5 project | AT2.4 | Circuit_Async4 (update) |
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
In Chapter 3 these circuits are used to learn basic digital input and output.
Plan A: structure, equations | Plan B: behavioural, truth table | Plan C2: hierarchical structure | |
DT1.1 | Circuit_C Highlighted P1 project | ||
DT1.2 | Circuit_K | Circuit_K | Circuit_K |
DT1.3 | Circuit_P | Circuit_PQ | Circuit_PQ |
DT1.4 | Circuit_Q |
Plan A: structure, equations | Plan B: behavioural, truth table | Plan C2: hierarchical structure | |
DT2.1 | MUX_8,(Lab2) | MUX_8, (Lab2) | MUX_8 Optional: MUX_8 using plan C1 |
DT2.2 | MUX_16 | ||
DT2.3 | DeMUX_16 | ||
DT2.4 DT9.1 |
Dual_MUX_4 | Dual_MUX_4 Dual_MUX_4 (μC I/O basics) (Lab9) |
Dual_MUX_4 |
DT2.5 | Quad_MUX_2 / Quad_MUX_4 | ||
DT2.6 | Dec_3_8 | Dec_3_8 | Rec. on Dec_3_8 |
DT2.7 | Dec_4_16 | Dec_4_16 | |
DT2.8 | Hex_7seg_decoder Highlighted P2 project | Hex_7seg_decoder Dec_hex_7seg | |
DT2.9 | Enc_10_4 | Enc_10_4 | Enc_10_4 using Enc_8_3 |
DT2.10 | Tank_level_meter | Tank_level_meter | |
DT2.11 | Bin_BCD_6bit | Bin_BCD_6bit includes the DM74185 | |
BCD_bin_mod40 |
DT3.1 | Bin_BCD_9bit | ||
DT3.2 | Bin_BCD_16bit | ||
DT3.3 | Comp_1bit | Comp_1bit | Comp_1bit using the MoM |
DT3.4 | Comp_4bit | Comp_4bit | |
DT3.5 | Comp_10bit | ||
DT3.6 | Adder_1bit | Adder_1bit |
Adder_1bit MoD Adder_1bit MoM, (Lab3) |
DT3.7 | Rec. on Adder_2bit | ||
DT3.8 |
Highlighted P3 project Ones_counter_4bit |
DT3.9 |
Adder_4bit carry lookahead (CLA) Adder_4bit ripple carry (RC) |
DT3.10 | Adder_8bit, (Lab3) | ||
DT3.11 |
(RC) (Lab4.1) Adder_16bit, (CLA) (Lab4.1) |
DT9.2 DT11.1 |
(design phase #1) Adder_BCD_1digit_LCD (design phase #2) |
DT3.11 | Mult_9bit | ||
DT4.1 | Int_add_subt_8bit Highlighted P4 project | ||
DT4.2 | |||
DT4.3 | Int_Mult_9bit |
Design tutorials of sequential circuits (FSM) plan C1. In Chapter 3 these circuits are used for learning interrupts and microcontroller applications:
DT6.1 | D_FF , D-type flip-flop | ||
DT6.2 | JK_FF, JK flip-flop (also an RS-flip-flop) | ||
DT6.3 | T_FF, Toggle flip-flop | ||
DT6.4 | Matrix_encoder_16key Highlighted P6 project | ||
DT6.5 | Light_control, classroom luminaries, (Lab6) | ||
DT6.6 | LED bicycle torch | ||
DT6.7 | Debouncing_filter, low-pass filter and synchroniser. | ||
DT6.8 | Traffic light controller | ||
DT10.1 | Design phase #1 | Serial_transmitter (P10) | |
DT11.2 | Design phase #2 | Serial_transmitter_LCD (P11) | |
DT12.1 | Design phase #3 | Serial_transmitter_LCD_TMR0 (P12) | |
DT12.2 | Design phase #4 | Serial_transmitter_LCD_TMR2 | |
Plan X: FSM, state enumeration | Plan Y: FSM, large number of states | Plan C2: hierarchical structure | ||
DT7.1 DT10.2 |
Counter_BCD_1digit | Counter_BCD_1digit | ||
Counter_BCD_1digit, (Lab10), (design phase #1) | ||||
DT11.3 | Counter_BCD_1digit_LCD (design phase #2) | |||
DT12.3 | Counter_BCD_1digit_LCD_TMR0 (design phase #3) where TMR0 as counter replaces INT0. | |||
DT10.3 | Counter_mod_1572,(Lab10) Counter_mod1572 |
DT7.2 | Counter_mod12 | Counter_mod12, (Lab7) | Counter_mod12,(Lab7) | |
DT7.3 | Counter_mod16 | (versatile chip) | ||
DT7.4 | counter_BCD_2digit.pdsprj (modulo 100) in Proteus, plan C2, chaining two 1-digit BCD counters | |||
DT7.5 | Hour_counter Highlighted P7 project | |||
DT7.6 | Counter_BCD_mod60 (seconds) | |||
DT7.7 | Counter_BCD_MMSS (minutes, seconds) | |||
DT7.8 | Data_reg_4bit | |||
DT7.9 | Shift_reg_4bit | (versatile chip) | ||
DT7.10 | MDS: Multiplexed display system | |||
DT10.4 | Johnson_sequencer_mod12 (design phase #1) | |||
DT11.4 | Johnson_sequencer_mod12_LCD (design phase #2) | |||
DT12.4 | Johnson_sequencer_mod12_LCD_TMR0 (design phase #3) |
DT8.1 | CLK_Generator | ||
DT8.2 |
Timer_MMSS Highlighted P8 project |
Timer_MMSS | |
DT8.3 | Mult_4bit serial multiplier | ||
DT8.4 | Adder_4bit serial adder | ||
DT8.5 |
USART universal serial async receiver &
transmitter |
DT8.6 | Add_accum_BCD_2digit adder and accumulator | ||
DT8.7 | Real-time clock HH:MM:SS in Proteus | ||
DT12.5 | Design phase #1 | Timer, (Lab11) | |
DT12.6 | Design phase #2 | Timer_LCD, (Lab11) | |
DT12.7 | Design phase #3 | Timer_LCD_TMR0, (Lab11) | |
DT12.8 | Design phase #4 | Timer_LCD_TMR2 | |
DT12.9 | (Arduino) | Temp_meter | |
DT12.10 | (Arduino) | Tap_control |
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
A1.1 | Circuit_L | A1.2 | Circuit_U |
A1.3 | Circuit_VT | A1.4 | Circuit_M |
A1.5 | Circuit_N | A1.6 | Circuit_G |
A1.7 | Circuit_R | A1.8 | Circuit_Z |
A1.9 | Circuit_Y |
A2.1 | Circuit_E (sync) | A2.2 | Circuit_A (async) |
A2.3 | Circuit_D (async) | A2.4 | Circuit_I (async) |
A2.5 | Circuit_F (sync) | A2.6 | Circuit_B (async) |
A2.7 | Circuit_C (async) | A2.8 | Circuit_G (async) |
A2.9 | Circuit_H (async) |
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
D1.1 | B3.1 | Wind compass | D1.2 | B3.2 | BCD_7seg_decoder chip | |
D1.3 | B3.3 | 5-bit ones counter | D1.4 | B3.4 | From P1: Circuit_VT, Circuit_G, Circuit_U | |
D1.5 | B3.5 |
D1.6 | B3.6 | Water tank level meter (9 sensors) | |
D1.7 | B3.7 | 2-digit multiplexed 7-segment display | D1.8 | B3.8 | 5-bit Gray to binary converter | |
D1.9 | B3.9 | 4-bit (nibble) shifter operator | D1.10 | B3.10 | 4-bit binary to Johnson converter | |
D1.11 | B3.11 | Sel _add_subt_comp_10bit | D1.12 | B3.12 | 16-bit comparator for integer numbers | |
D1.13 | B3.13 | 8-bit subtractor using Subt_1bit | D1.14 | B3.14 | 9-bit parity generator, parity checker | |
D1.15 | B3.15 | BCD_bin_3digit, code converter | D1.16 | B3.16 | Bin_BCD_9bit, code converter | |
D1.17 | B3.17 | 2-digit BCD adder | D1.18 | B3.18 | ALU_12bit | |
D1.19 | B3.19 | Parking occupancy (32-bit ones counter) | D1.20 | B3.20 |
D2.1 | D3.1 | CD player buttons | D2.2 | D3.2 | Stepper motor controller |
D2.3 | D3.3 | Designing a LED rotator | D2.4 | D3.4 | Pattern detector (versions 1 and 2) |
D2.5 | D3.5 | LED dimmer | D2.6 | D3.6 | 7-segment digit sequencer |
D2.7 | D3.7 | Dumbwaiter or simple lift | D2.8 | D3.8 | Electronic keypad lock (versions A and B) |
D2.9 | D3.9 | Water tank controller | D2.10 | D3.10 | Vending machine |
D2.11 | D3.11 | Wireless IR TV remote control | D2.12 | D3.12 | Electronic roulette |
D2.13 | D3.13 | 3-digit programmable BCD down counter | D2.14 | D3.14 | Traffic light controller |
D2.15 | D3.15 | 16-key matrix encoder with handshake | D2.16 | D3.16 | Scale (BCD up counter modulo 50000) |
D2.17 | D3.17 | Shower stall automation | D2.18 | D3.18 | Morse code generator |
D2.19 | D3.19 | Washing machine controller | D2.20 | D3.20 | Chip 74HC4017 (5-bit Johnson counter) |
D2.21 | D3.21 | Programmable timer | D2.22 | D3.22 | Bit pattern generator |
D2.23 | D3.23 | Ear buds control buttons | D2.24 | D3.24 | Rotation speed meter (tachometer) |
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
Most of our laboratory tutorials are accompanied by prototypes sections describing how to run the applications on training boards. For instance:
- Circuit_W (LAB1_2). Simple combinational circuit to follow the VHDL design flow implemented in the DE10-Lite board.
- Standard hexadecimal to 7-segment decoder (Dec_Hex_7seg) to discover the DE10-Lite features. Install the USB-Blaster driver to program the FPGA.
- MUX_DeMUX (LAB2). Connecting standard combinational circuits and using laboratory measurements. Switches and LED are connected through the 40-pin expansion connector mounted in a KiCad PCB. Install Waveforms software to run and measure using our compact instrument VB8012.
- ALU_9bit (LAB4_2). Arithmetic and logic operations and measurements. Switches and LED are connected through the 40-pin expansion connector mounted in a KiCad PCB.
- CSD_PICstick (LAB10). Our training board for Chapter 3 projects based on microcontrollers.
Other prototypes for demonstrations using legacy boards.
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
- Sample questionnaire Q1_4 on P1, P2, P3 and P4 projects.
- Sample questionnaire Q5_8 on P5, P6, P7 and P8 (content from all previous projects is included).
- Sample questionnaire Q9_12 on P9, P10, P11 and P12 projects (content from all previous projects is included).
- Many more questions are available at the end of each CSD lecture.
Analysis and design tutorials | Analysis and design assignments | Prototypes | Exam 1 | Exam 2 | Questions and assessment |
CSD scheme of continuous assessment (grading sheet): 12 items, most of which include weekly formative feedback and discussion. Your partial grades will be available and updated at Atenea platform.
- P_Ch1 => 15% of the final grade:
- Individual: PLA1 (30%)
- Group work: PLA2_3 (report + video, 50%) + PLA4 (20%)
- P_Ch2 => 6%:
- Group work: PLA6_7 (report + video, 100%)
- P_Ch3 => 9 %:
- Group work: PLA9 (30%) + PLA10_11 (work in progress + report + video, 70%)
- Classroom activities => 8%
- Q1-4 => 4%; Q5-8 => 4%; Q9-12 => 4%