UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL



PLA10_11: Design phase #1:FSM, #2:LCD, #3:TMR2


Lab10 LAB11

NOTE: This post lab assignment must be solved only after having completed successfully lab session Lab11 because you will copy and adapt materials from it.


(review and update)

Specifications (design phases #1, #2 and #3)

You will continue solving projects adapting the ideas to the microcontroler PIC18F4520. Complete only the the design phase #1. And then, only when phase #1 is fully opeartional, add the new project features stated in design phases #2. Finally, repeat the same procedure for the next design phase #3. Use the options indicated by your instructor.

Example of group assignments
  Project number Circuit entity  
Group 1 D3.9 Water tank controller  
Group 2 D3.3 LED rotator  
Group 3 D3.2 Stepper motor controller  
Group 4 D3.9 Water tank controller  
Group 5 D3.3 LED rotator  
··· ··· ···  


This group submission at Atenea includes the report in a PDF file, the zipped project, a 10 min. max video presentation and also your self-assessment. Use the options indicated by your instructor. Follow this rubric for writing reports.

NOTE: ===> To prepare your video presentation, consider the assessement and feedback you got from PLA3 and PLA6_7.


P_Ch3 marking grid for projects PLA9 and PLA10_11

P_Ch3 => 9 % of your final grade:

=> PLA9 (30%) + PLA10_11 (work in progress + report + video, 70%)

PLA10_11 (7p)
Work in progress (in session Lab AR) Report Video
  2p 3p 3p  

Notes on lab assessment: student grades are not simply reflecting report or video quality, but implicitly, they include subjective items considered by instructors such laboratory participation, questions and answers, problem solving skills, attendance and punctuality, active attitude and group work. Work in progress includes completing tutorials, sample reports, sketches, diagrams, discussions, Q & A, presentations, live demonstrations, results, measurements, etc.


Reflect and give us your group feedback on what you learned in chapter 3 (from P9 to P12) or through the complete CSD course. Add a short paragraph in the final section of your PLA11 discussing aspects that you consider positive and negative.