UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL

Lab 6


Laboratory 7 on synchronous counters plan Y, plan C2, plan X

[P7] Plan Y: large FSM using STD_LOGIC_VECTOR signals and arithmetic libraries

Lab 9


This is the group post lab assignment PLA6_7 to be submitted at Atenea before the due date. Study and execute in your computer this LAB7 and the previous LAB6 lab tutorials before attempting to solve this post lab assignment.

2.7.3. Radix-2 binary counters (Counter_modM), large number of states Design plan Y: designing counters using the VHDL arithmetic library and STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, single-file VHDL project Example: Synchronous counter modulo 12 (Counter_mod12)

1. Specifications Planning Developing Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

Design the synchronous counter modulo 12 (Counter_mod12)  represented in Fig. 1 using plan Y.

Function table

Fig 1. Symbol and function table.

Timing diagram

Fig 2. Example of timing diagram.

State diagram

Fig. 3. State diagram representing the 36 state transitions and outputs.


Specifications 2. Planning Developing Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

Let us plan this circuit as a FSM. The idea now is to use sequential (radix-2) encoding because the internal states will be simply buffered to the outputs.

FSM architectureusing plan Y

Fig. 4. FSM architecture. 



Fig. 5. FSM circuit to implement the Counter_mod12 using plan Y detailing the main ideas on CC2 and CC1 architectures.

CC2 generates Q(3..0) buffering the internal state encoded in binary sequential (radix-2). It also implements the additional logic related to TC12.

CC1 uses arithmetic blocks such as adders, subtractors and comparators to calculate the next state to go. Multiplexers are used to select between the several modes of operation.

This circuit is easily scalable in VHDL because the internal states are configured as:

STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(r-1 downto 0).

 Discussion for obtaining CC2 and CC1 truth tables and their equivalent flowcharts.


Fig. 6. CC2 truth table and flowchart.


CC1 truth table and flowchart

Fig. 7. CC1 truth table and flowchart where the equivalent translation to VHDL is inferred.

Project location:

C:\CSD\P7\Counter_mod12Y\(files:Counter_mod12.vhd, etc. )


Specifications Planning 3. Developing Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

This is the Counter_mod12.vhd file that translates flowcharts in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.

RTL view

Fig. 8. RTL view with indications of the main components. This is how the synthesis tool interprets our ideas sketched in Fig. 5.


Tecnology view

Fig. 9. Technology view schematic for a MAX II Intel CPLD and resources used (13 logic cells and 4 D_FF).


Specifications Planning Developing 4. Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

Start the testbench template and add the CLK and inputs activity translating the timing diagram. Make all the timing relative to the CLK_Period constant. 

Testbench fixture

Fig. 10. Testbench schematic fixture.

This is an example VHDL file translation from which you can copy the CLK_Period constant, and also the stimulus and CLK processes Counter_mod12_tb.vhd.

Functional simulation. Run the EDA VHDL tool and demonstrate how the circuit works adding comments to the printed sheet of paper containing the waveforms. Your system may works like the timing diagram discussed in class.

functional simulation
Running with CE = '1'
Fig 11. Example of functional simulation of Counter_mod12. When running continuously (CE = '1'), TC12 is a periodic pulsed waveform that has a frequency fTC12 = fCLK/12 (frequency divider by 12).


Specifications Planning Developing Test functional 5. Test gate-level Report Prototype

Gate-level simulations in ModelSim

Run the gate-level simulation of the project and measure the maximum frequency of operation. It is worth to know exactly which is the maxim CLK frequency for a given target CPLD or FPGA chip.

Fig 10. Example of a gate-level simulation of the counter modulo 12 used to measure the parameter tCO in a given CLK transition. Target chip Intel MAX II.


Quartus Prime timing analyser

Timing analyser spreadsheet to measure tCO. The extra logic for calculating TC12 represents a longer propagation time than for calculating Q(3..0).

Timing analyser results

Fig. 11. Timing analyser spreadsheet for measuring tCO.


Specifications Planning Developing Test functional Test gate-level 6. Report Prototype

Follow this rubric for writing reports.




Laboratory 7 on synchronous counters plan Y, plan C2, plan X

[P7Plan C2: Hierarchical circuit on components and signals. Counter chaining and truncation.



2.7.4. Count truncation and count expansion Design plan C2: designing synchronous counters using hierarchical structures, standard components and logic, VHDL multiple-file project Example of count truncation: Counter modulo 12 {Counter_mod12}

1. Specifications Planning Developing Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

The same for plan Y and plan X designs. Pictures Fig. 1, Fig.2 and Fig. 3 represent symbol, function table, timing diagram and also the state diagram.

The idea if truncation and expansion is explained in this L7.3 lecture.


Specifications 2. Planning Developing Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

Hierarchical design using multiple VHDL files and components. The idea is truncating a larger counter like Counter_mod16 that is used as a building block. Discuss how this circuit works in Fig. 12. Study it for instance in two separate design steps:

- Step #1: Up counter considering only the CE control signal)

- Step #2: Add the UD_L control signal and discuss what blocks and logic has to be included in the basic design from phase 1 so that it becomes the circuit in Fig. 12.

Counter truncation (plan C2)

Fig. 12. Example of plan C2 circuit: Counter_mod12 implemented using standard Counter_mod16 building block.

This is your project location:



Specifications Planning 3. Developing Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

These are the top Counter_mod12.vhd , and component Quad_MUX_2.vhd. In this tutorial there is the Counter_mod16.

Choose a MAX II device EPM2210F324C3 and start a Quartus Prime project.

RTL view

Fig. 13. RTL view translation of Fig. 12 schematic.



Fig. 14. Technology view schematic for a MAX II Intel CPLD. This plan C2 architecture is different from plan Y in Fig. 9, thus it will produce different propagation times.


Specifications Planning Developing 4. Test functional Test gate-level Report Prototype

Running ModelSim and using the same testbench in Fig. 10 Counter_mod12_tb.vhd generates waveforms as in Fig. 11.


Specifications Planning Developing Test functional 5. Test gate-level Report Prototype

Gate-level simulations in ModelSim

Here is interesting to measure propagation times because we are proposing an alternative architecture that may be faster or slower than the one from plan X or plan Y.

gate_level analysis for PLAN C2 circuit

Fig. 15. Timing analyser spreadsheet for measuring tCO.


Quartus Prime timing analyser

TCO measurement

Fig. 15. Timing analyser spreadsheet for measuring tCO.

Compare and discuss advantages and drawbacks for the same entity Counter_mod12 using these several design strategies.


From all these lessons on counters, truncation and expansion, it is not that difficult implementing for example a real-time clock HH:MM:SS or similar practical products. P8 is the unit devoted to advanced digital systems or dedicated processors.


Specifications Planning Developing Test functional Test gate-level 6. Report Prototype

Follow this rubric for writing reports.




Laboratory 7 on synchronous counters plan Y, plan C2, plan X

[P7Plan X: Enumerated FSM as in P6. Only for a few number of states and state transitions


top Design plan X: designing counters as FSM for small number of states and any output code Example: Counter_mod12 {Counter_mod12}

This is another example of P6 FSM enumerating states. This is the project location:





Laboratory 7 on synchronous counters: prototype

DE10-Lite                    MachXO USB Starter Kit



Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

We can test and measure the counter characteristics in the laboratory building a prototype. This may be another demonstration on using the DE10-Lite board from Terasic, similarly as we did in LAB6 or in LAB4_2. We can place in the same FPGA other auxiliary circuits to better observe how the counter behaves. For example, we can prepare two frequencies from the CLK_Generator for counting at different speeds. We can select whether to use internal waveforms or pulses form an external push-button. And, because the push-buttons are noisy devices, we can see which is the effect of using a debouncing filter for cleaning such signal. Therefore, from the sketch in Fig. 1 we will design a new Counter_mod12_top project adapted to the specific FPGA board.

  Prototype sketch

Fig. 1. Prototype sketch for testing how the counter operates.


Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

This time we can run the counter from two CLK signals of 1 Hz and 20 Hz using the Chip 4 MUX_2 as represented in the Counter_mod12_top design in Fig. 2. Sel_CLK will select one of the two CLK sources provided by the CLK generator. We can represent the binary code Q(3..0) also in a 7 segment display. We have to synthesise the project for the MAX10 target chip 10M50DAF484C7 installed in DE10-Lite board.

  Board_DE10-Lite adaptation

Fig. 2. Adapting the Counter_mod12 to the DE10-Lite board. Unused LED available on the board will be switch off. A new project Counter_mod12_top includes the additional blocks for generating the required CLK and control signals and interfacing the hardware.

Fig. 3 shows the CLK_Generator.vhd schematic build using three internal components: Freq_div_1250000.vhdFreq_div_20.vhd and T_FF adapting the chainable modular architecture discussed in L8.2.


Fig. 3. Internal architecture of the CLK_Generator.

This time, the Hex_7seg_decoder is used to show the counter's current count in one of the 7-segment displays (HEX4). And four LED(3..0) to show hexadecimal numbers from 0 to B are also included.

Using the MUX_2.vhd found in P2, we can complete the translation into VHDL of the top schematic in Fig. 2 as Counter_mod12_top.vhd.

Project location:



Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

1. Synthesis

And inspect the RTL to check that everything is in place. The number of D_FF registers used in this application is 28 + 4 = 32.

RTl view and list of VHDL files included

Fig. 4. RTL view and list of VHDL files included in the project.


2. Pin assignment

Pin planner tools in Quartus Prime allows you to fix LED, switches and 7-segment displays.

Pin list from DE10-Lite user manual

Exporting pin list from pin planner

Importing the pin list from Quartus Prime spreadsheet file

Fig. 5. Pin assignment list. It can be exported and imported using spreadsheet file extension. Counter_mod12_top_prj.csv

3. Programming

Programming the chip allows you to run the prototype with the current design. Check that the counter counts up, down or is disabled. Check that it can work at any of the two CLK frequencies.

Application running

Fig. 5. Picture of the final prototype running the application.

This is the final Counter_mod12_top.sof file to configure the FPGA using the programmer. This is the list of VHDL files Counter_mod12_top.zip included in this prototype. 

It is also a good opportunity to observe where are located in the FPGA the logic cells used in this application. We can open the Quartus Prime Chip Planner tool as shown in Fig. 6.

Chip planner example

Fig. 6. Chip Planner showing the location of some of the logic cells sinthesising the circuit.


Optional: Experiment with noisy push-button signals and learn how the Debouncing_filter FSM can generate clean digital pulses. Add switches and other MUX_2 to the above prototype to allow you to input CLK pulses manually using the KEY1 when selected.

Chip 2 will be modified to generate another convenient square wave: 100 Hz for sampling the push-button KEY1. Sel_pulse switch will select internal CLK waveforms as in the first prototype or external pulses. Sel_filter switch will select between the raw external pulse version or the debounced one.

Modified top circuit for inputting manual CLK clicks

Fig. 7. The modified Counter_12_top to allow single manual clicks from KEY1 push-button.

Fig . 8 shows how the Chip2 CLK_Generator can be modified to generate the additional 100 Hz square signal for running the Debouncing_filter Chip5 that will sample the KEY1 push-button.

CLK_Generator modified

Fig. 8. The modified Counter_12_top to allow single manual clicks from KEY1 push-button.

Synthesise again the project Counter_mod12_top at this new location:


This Counter_mod12_top.zip contains the new set of files to be included in the project. Or, instead, you can upload directly Counter_mod12_top.sof to the DE10-Lite and experiment with the circuit. 




Laboratory 7 on synchronous counters: prototype

DE10-Lite                    MachXO USB Starter Kit



Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

Alternativelly, we can use Lattice Diamond synthesis software and its embedded programmer to synthesise and upload the experiment in a MachXO USB starter kit board populated with the FPGA LCMXO640C-3TN144, after providing the necessary adaptations.

Lattice MachXO starter kit

Fig. 1. MachXO USB Starter Kit populated with an FPGA LCMXO640C-3TN144 from Lattice Semiconductor. 



Fig. 2. MachXO USB Starter Kit populated with an FPGA LCMXO640C-3TN144 from Lattice Semiconductor.


Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

Because only four switches are soldered in the board, we will imagine that CE = '1', UD_L = '1'.

Modified Counter_mod12_top circuit

Fig. 3. Modified Counter_mod12_top project allowing single pulses from a push-button.

We can as well modify the top circuit to play also with the debouncing filter. A switch Sel_filter will connect the debouncing filter or instead will attach the external push-button directly to the counter CLK.

In this board the crystall quartz oscillator is 24 MHz, thus N1 = 24000000/200 = 120000. We have to replace the previous Freq_div_250000 by the new Freq_div_120000 to obtain the same squared waveforms as shown in Fig. 4.   

CLK generator

Fig. 3. The modified CLK_Generator to adapt the 24 MHz crystal oscillator.

Project location:



Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

1. Synthesis

We have to start a synthesis project in Lattice Diamond. You can ask for a free one year licence to install this software in your portable.

Target chip

Fig. 5. Selecting the target chip.

The RTL view is copied in Fig. 6.

RTL view

Fig. 6. RTL view.

2. Pin assignment

Paying attention to the board's schematic we will select input and output pins for this application.

MachXO starter kit pin assignment

Fig. 7. Pin assignment.

This circuit uses 38 D_FF.

3. Programming the FPGA

Diamond proejct

Fig. 6. Circuit running the application.

And the final prototype running picture is in Fig. 8.

Circuit running

Fig. 6. Circuit running the application.

Is the Debouncing_filter effective 100% or there is still some ramdom signal bouncing that affects counting? How to make the circuit more reliable?

This Counter_mod12_top.zip contains the new set of files to be included in this Lattice Diamond project. You can upload directly Counter_mod12_top.jed to the Starter kit using the standard alone programmer application.


Optional: Once plans X, Y and C2 are comprehended running these examples or similar ones, you may like to try inventing other counters and registers applying plan Y and plan C2 using our components  Counter_mod16  (type 74ALS169) and Shift_reg_4bit (type 74HC194HC194).

Optional: Precisely, the highlighted project Hour_counter in P7 on a counter modulo 24 for counting hours is an example where we apply plan C2 techniques like counter truncation to obtain 24 states.