UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


Books on digital systems and electronic equipment


The syllabus of CSD as a book's table of content. In addition to the example books listed below, there are many more available at the Biblioteca BCL.

Digital logic Microcontrollers Arduino and Raspberry Pi Teaching Equipment EMC and electrical safety


Brown, S., Vranesic, Z., "Fundamentals of digital logic with VHDL design ", 4th ed.,McGraw Hill, New York, ISBN 9781264364282, 2023.

This is the classic perfect book available in our library. Use this link to browse through content.

Llibre 7

Ercegovac, M., Lang, T., Moreno, J. H. Introduction to digital systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

This is the classic perfect book. Use this link to browse through content and slides.

Introduction to logic circuits

LaMeres, Brock J. Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-12489-2. Available at the UPC electronic library. Link.


Donzellini, G., Oneto, L., Ponta, D., Anguita, D. Introduction to digital systems design, Springer, 2019

This book is available using UPC UPC electronic library


Parnell, K., Mehta, N. Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Hand Book, Xilinx logic handbook, 2003.

A recommended reading as a way to review and think again about all the concepts involved essentially in Chapters I and II. Here there is another version of a similar document: Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Guide, UG500, v1.0, May 8, 2008. 


Hwang, E. O. Digital logic and microprocessor design with VHDL, CL-Engineering, 2005. This a high quality and reference book for many topics in our subject.



Floyd, T. Digital fundamentals, 11th edition, Pearson Higher Education, 2015

Digital Design

Tinder, R. F. Engineering Digital Design, 2nd ed., Academic Press, London, UK, 2000.


Deschamps. J. P. , Valderrama, E.,  Terés, Ll. Digital Systems. From Logic Gates to Processors, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2017.

This book is available using UPC UPC electronic library

Introduction to digital systems

Ferdjallah, M. Introduction to digital systems, Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.

Lee, Sunggu. Advanced digital logic design using VHDL, state machines, and synthesis for FPGAs, Cengage Learning, 2005


Digital logic Microcontrollers Arduino and Raspberry Pi Teaching Equipment EMC and electrical safety


Reese, R. B. Microprocessors, from Assembly language to C using the PIC18Fxx2, Da Vinci Engineering Press, 2005,

This is a very good reference for studying and reviewing Chapter 3.


Barnett, R. H., Cox, S., O'Cull, L. Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR, 2nd Edition, Delmar Cengage Learning, 2007.

This is a very interesting book to start programming Atmel microcontrollers and their peripherals.  


Bates, Martin. PIC MicroconAn Introduction to Microelectronics, 3rd Edition, Newnes Elsevier, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-08-096911-4.

Available at the UPC electronic library.


Borowik, Bohdan. Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers to Peripherial Devices , Springer, 2011.



Wilmshurst, Tim. Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers, Newnes, 2010



Dogan, Ibrahim. Programación de microcontroladores PIC, Marcombo, 2006



Smith, David W. PIC in Practice. A Project-based Approach, Newnes, 2006



Digital logic Microcontrollers Arduino and Raspberry Pi Teaching Equipment EMC and electrical safety


Bell, C., Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Apress Media, 2013

Building senor networks

Kooijman, M., Building Wireless Sensor Networks Using Arduino, Packt Publishing, 2015


Digital logic Microcontrollers Arduino and Raspberry Pi Teaching Equipment EMC and electrical safety


Crawley, E., Malmqvist, J., Öslund, S., Brodeur, D. R., Edström, K., Rethinking Engineering Education. The CDIO Approach, Springer, 2014.


Bain students

Bain, K., What the best college students do, Harvard University Press, 2012.


Bain teachers

Bain, K., What the best college teachers do, Harvard University Press, 2004.



Digital logic Microcontrollers Arduino and Raspberry Pi Teaching Equipment EMC and electrical safety


Lienig, J., Bruemmer, H., Fundamentals of Electronic Systems Design, Springer, 2017

Reliable design

Natarajan, D., Reliable Design of Electronic Equipment, Springer, 2015


Beeker, D., Effective PCB design: Techniques to improve performance, NXP, 2010

Hu, PCB design

Hu, R., PCB Design and Layout Fundamentals for EMC, Amazon: independently published, 2019

Integrity PCB

Brooks, D., Integrity issues and PCB design, Pearson Education, 2003


Digital logic Microcontrollers Arduino and Raspberry Pi Teaching Equipment EMC and electrical safety


Williams, T., EMC for product designers, (5th ed), Newnes, 2016


Williams, T., Armstrong, K. EMC for systems and installations, Newnes, 2000


Perez, R. J. (Ed), Handbook of Aerospace Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Press, 2018

Electrical safesty

Cadick, J., Capelli-Schellpfeffer, M., Neitzel, D., Winfield, A., Electrical Safety Handbook, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2012

EMC web references

- Learnemc.com

- Compliance Engineering.au

- IEEE EMC society.com

- EMC Standards.co.uk

- Interference technology.com

- Trenz Electronic