UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


VB8012 - APD5250 compact instrument


Install Waveforms software

This instrument has been rebranded and now is sold by Digilent. The model APD5250 belonging to the Analog Discovery Pro 5000 Series is the same VB-8012. It works and is controlled by Waveforms software.

Virtual bench Waveforms
Instrument features
Fig. 1. VB8012-ADP5250 compact instrument.

Fig. 2 shows the Waveforms Device Manager window. In lab sessions we will use the real VB8012. Out of the lab you can download and install the Waveforms software in your computer and run the equivalent demo instrument ADP5250 to get acquainted with the instrument setup and functionality.

Setup for demo
Fig. 2. You can use the demo instrument ADP5250 to get used to the software.

Example configuration:

Capture the oscilloscope waveforms.

Capture instruments running
Fig. 3. Example setup of instruments.

Save this setup in a file like: VB8012_setup_demo.dwf3work