UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


5. Self-directed learning: web, magazines, societies and resources


Read some books, magazines and specialised literature in our Biblioteca connecting your device with UPCLink.

Webinars, news, documents

Real-world electronic engineering industries

August 2024. Seminar "Common mistakes in VHDL", by Dough Perry, Doulos.

Common mistakes in VHDL

July 2024. New versions of the Analog Discovery PRO 5000 Series. Model APD5250 is the VB-8012 in our Lab 129B. It works with both NI-VirtualBench and Waveforms software.

NI VB8012 rebranded

July 2024. The semiconductor industry is recruiting workers in a tight labor market as the competition for talent ramps up.

Global Foundries

May 2024. Microsoft, from Intel x86 to ARM chips for AI PC. Copilot+PC. AI accelerators or NPU chips.


May 2024. La missió principal de la Càtedra CHIP UPC és la formació i la captació de talent per reforçar les capacitats científiques, de disseny i de producció de la indústria de xips i semiconductors.

Càtedra CHIP

May 2024. A simple, click & drop solution for schematic symbols, PCB footprints and 3D models for millions of parts that's FREE to all engineers to use. It also integrates on install into all major ECAD tools. Library Loader application. Mouser.


April 2024. Long, H., Ryssdal, K., Hollenhorst, M., "The biggest problem for America’s chips boom? The workers ", The Washington Post, 04/30/2024

Phoenix TSMC

April 2024. Making a structured VHDL testbench. A demo for beginners. Aldec.

Testbenchs for beginners

April 2024. Essential Digital Design Techniques Online, Doulos. This is a sample of courses on EDA tools and procedures that you can browse to compare to what we do in our introductory CSD course.

VHDL training

March 2024. Eric Cheung, E., Ripley, W., Mees, J., "Everyone wants the latest chips. That’s causing a huge headache for the world’s biggest supplier TSMC", CNN. The news presents the company's Newcomer Training Center (NTC).

Image TMSC chips

March 2024. Hertz, J., "Intel Clocks ‘World’s Fastest Desktop Processor’ at 6.2 GHz Frequency", All about circuits magazine.

  Imatge new processor from Intel

March 2024. How much VHDL training you need? From Doulos courses on digital techniques and technologies. 

Doulos VHDL training  

February 2024. Christoffersen, J., Switch bounce and how to deal with itAll about circuits magazine. We will tackle this problem in P6 as a FSM circuit debouncer.

Switch bounce

February 2024. Adafruit's founder Limor Fried presenting her big idea on how they do engineering in New York.


January 2024. A newspaper article on valued cross-curricular skills, ON Economia.

Feina i competències

January 2024. Doulos seminar: Signal integrity, PCB vias and remedies.

Signal integrity PCB

December 2023. Future Road Lab (Abertis): "Autopistas crea un laboratori de solucions innovadores i sostenibles", Avui.


December 2023: After three month solving projects in our CSD introductory course, it is a good time to see how professional training on digital design techniques and VHDL is organised and offered. Doulos.

Comprehensive VHDL

Digital techniques

November 2023. New master studies on microelectronic design at the UPC.


November 2023. A new whitepaper in connectivity from Renesas: Aras, M., Renesas, "Simplifying the connected future: navigating complexity in the IoT landscape with Renesas wireless connectivity ".

White paper connectivity Renesas

November 2023. SensorTile.box PRO with multi-sensors and wireless connectivity for any intelligent IoT node. ST.

ST IoT kit

October 2023.  Nelkovski, K., "From VHDL Code to Real Hardware: Designing an 8-bit ALU", All About Circuits project.


October 2023. National Instruments (NI) is acquired by Emerson

Emerson NI

September 2023. Report. La UPC i els semiconductors.


August 2023. Webinar: Enhancing the Simulation Testbench for VHDL-based FPGA Designs (Part III: Advanced Testbench for a Complex DUT (EU). Aldec. Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM).

Aldec part III:_ VHDL testbenches

August 2023. Webinar. How to improve embedded software using state machines, (slides)Wilk, M. Doulos.

Doulos states machines

July 2023. News: Atop Two Hawaiian Mountains, NIST Proves Ultra-Precise Timing Solution, Nelkovski, K., All About Circuits,


July 2023. Webinar: C/C++ memory management. Design and debugging. Doulos. (slides)

C,C++ debugging

July 2023. Webinar: How ST automotive amplifiers can improve audio quality and efficiency for in-car applications, ST semiconductors.

Audio amplifiers

July 2023. Webinar: Achieve precise time-keeping with Maxim's tiniest nano-power and shockproof RTC. Analog - Devices

Maxim Integrated - Analog Devices

July 2023. Webinar: Optimising Sensing Applications with PIC and AVR MCUs. Microchip.


June 2023. The role of sensors in autonomous robots. Mouser Electronics

Sensors in autonomous robots

June 2023. News: The next 2nm technology (source: the Hankyoreh newspaper).


June 2023. Webinar: Enhancing the Simulation Testbench for VHDL-based FPGA Designs (Part II). Aldec

Seminar Aldec

May 2023. Develop your IoT solution quickly with the XENSIV connected sensor kit. Infineon.

Infineon IOT sensors

May 2023. Mouser, Microchip. Why use Microchip MCUs for design development? Read the eBook.

Why to use Michochip MCU

April 2023. Aldec seminar on VHDL testbenches: Part 1: Basic Testbench for a Simple DUT

Aldec desimnar on testbenches

March 2023. Infineon. Application brief: Wrist-worn wearable devices. Overcome design challenges with Infineon�€™s excellent RF, sensor, connectivity, power, memory, and security solutions.

New trends on weasable devices

March 2023. Subscribe the Intel FPGA academic newsletter: the LabsLand concept, FPGA Academy, Quartus Prime tutorials, introductory lab design examples and the DE10-Lite board.

Intel FPGA newsletter

March 2023. Texas Instruments Precision labs. Learning tutorials for electronic cricuits and devices.  For instance, this video on an introduction to isolation.

 Texas Instruments tutorials

March 2023. TRACO Power webinar. How to power your medical applications. (The recording is available at our GD shared folder).

TRACO webinar on medical applications

February 2023. Qorvo, Mouser Electronics. Ebook: Powering up your design

Powering up your design

February 2023. The No-Code Paradigm Shift in Product Firmware Development. Renesas.

No-code paradigm

January 2023. STM32C0 MCUs: the extra boost to cost-sensitive 8-bit applications. (webinar presentation)

Webinar _ ST

January 2023. News. Crime and circuit boards. How Russia works around sanctions to procure microchips for missiles. The Insider, is a Russia-focused, independent media outlet.


January 2023. Interesting video from WSJ on chip manufacturing; "U.S. vs. China: The Race to Develop the Most Advanced Chips"


December 2022. Doulos, Renesas: Getting Started with Embedded System and Software Design. Many concepts in this 45 minutes webinar will make sense for you. Link for watching it.

Getting started with embedded design

December 2022. After having studied our introductory CSD course if you wish you can continue your training in digital design opting for specialised courses such these ones from AMD/Xilinx.



December 2022. Excellent news: Catalunya pren embranzida per figurar a la indústria mundial de semiconductors


December 2022. What if the most powerfull thing in the world was a question? Analog Devices.


December 2022. Webinar �€“ How to Easily Develop Cellular IoT Applications 


November 2022. BittWare Webinar: High performance computing with Next-Generation Intel Agilex FPGA. Webinar recording is available at our GD - CSD shared storage system.

BArcelona Supercomputing center

November 2022. How to accelerate both your FPGA application and productivity. By utilizing modern co-synthesis methodologies, system-level software can be made to run as customized hardware modules within an FPGA-based hardware kernel, running seamlessly with the rest of the application software on heterogeneous processors integrated utilizing the Xilinx Vitis Unified Software Development environment.

Doulos FPGA productivity

July 2022. Discover and participate in DOULOS online courses on VHDL: Writing Structured Testbenches in VHDL. related to our 4th and 5th design steps for verifying that the circuit works functionally and also at the gate-level. Other online courses  on VHDL from the same company. View this recording (name and email address is required). This video presents how DOULOS company has organised its training in VHDL.


June/July 2022. Keysight University courses. Browse them and connect content with subjects you have been styding.

KeySight courses

June 2022. "Accuracy, Precision, Resolution, and Sensitivity: What Do They Mean? , Digilent blog on data acquisition.

Digilent picture

May 2022. Doulos - Renesas webinar on How to Improve Embedded Software Using State Machines. View this recording (name and email address is required).


April 2022. Creating an Eye Diagram in WaveForms using Digilent Discovery compact USB instruments


March 2022. Raspberry Pi, the tiny British computer turns 10. A video from Finaltial Times. The Raspberry Pi promised to bring computing skills to children, but instead became the go-to machine for hobbyists and tech projects. With an IPO planned early this year, we visit the founders to tell the story of Pi, and ask: is it really a success?

raspberry pi

February 2022. Now that we start a new CSD edition, it is a good time for browsing online resources such Intel Academy on FGPAs. Compare lab introductory assigments to the projects that we propose you to design. 

FPGA Academy Intel

January 2022. SpringerLink electronic books at the UPC library. For instance, searching  simply: "Springer, VHDL", you will obtain a list of electronic books on chapters 1 and 2 content, so that you can download and read some of them and compare to how we are learning VHDL in CSD.


November 2021. This is a convenient board for experimentation at your introductory level: Boolean Board populated with a Xilinx Spartan-7 FPGA. And this is the first lesson on the introductory course Real Digital are proposing. Please, read it, I cannot expres myself clearer and better!


October 2021. This is the documentary "George Boole, génie des maths" that I told you today in class, about the life and creativity of George Boole. ARTE.TV is an fascinating TV broadcasting station from France/Germany since 1992, "La Chaîne publique culturelle et européenne". I hope you enjoy it, is a perfect way to finish our Chapter 1 on combinational (Boole) circuits and to place our content in historical context.

ARTE, Boole

October 2021. Brouse and read some Intel® Teaching Materials such as courses and tutorials on digital logic. Compare and discuss this content with for instance what you are learning in CSD. 

Intel courses

June 2021. Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software for FPGA Development. Ask an expert. Text

Ask Intel FPGA

November 2020. Beginner's Guide: Learning FPGA. Xilinx chip XC7Z010-1CLG400C


October 2020. AMD to Acquire Xilinx. Xilinx-AMD News: XLNX Stock Flies on $35 Billion AMD Deal

Xilinx merge

October 2020. Using Portable Instrumentation to Accelerate Digital Design 

analog discovery


September 2020. Simplifying the Creation of Stunning GUIs on STM32 MCUs and MPUs


June 2020. Lattice Propel webinar and video on the product.



June 2020. Deeper, Faster Learning with FPGA Co-Processors.






Sensor Tile Box






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Academic Earth Academic Earth. Lectures on electrical engineering
MIT Open Course Ware MIT electrical engineering and coputer science. This an example course (1), (2): Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory.
electronics-labs Open source hardware projects.
Freebookcentre Freebookcentre.net on Electronic Engineering.

Magazines and portals

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Electronic design

Electronic design publication.


embedded.com is a publication for embedded systems designers and developers.


EDN is an electronics community for engineers, by engineers, with the information, tools, courses, and professional connections you need to get your job done and get your ideas from concept to reality as quickly as possible.

Nuts and volts

Nuts and Volts magazine.

PlanetEE Planet EE
TechOnline TechOnline magazine
IEEE Spectrum Online

IEEE Spectrum  

Circuit Digest

Circuit Digest is a community of engineers and makers. 

Electronic forum electronics for you magazine.
Electronnobs Electronoobs. Tutorials and projects.
Mouser magazine Mouser electronic information update EIU
Electronic Cooling Electronic cooling.

Professional societies

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Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers

Telecos.cat Telecos.cat
coettc Col·legi Oficial d'Enginyers Tècnics de Telecomunicació a Catalunya


Secondary schools

[1] Dissenys i aplicacions amb circuits digitals programables


Aula sènior

De les vàlvules als circuits integrats (pptx) (pdf)