UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL

Chapter 3 problems

     - D3.17 -

Shower stall automation (μC - C)




1. Specifications

In a gym and fitness centre, there are some shower stalls like the one represented in Fig. 1 that have to be automated to generate cycles of contrasting hot (48 °C), warm (26°C) and cold (4°C) water sprays simply clicking a single start push button (SB). After clicking the SB, initially warm water flows for 50 s (H = C = �€˜1�€™), then hot water (H = �€˜1�€™, C = �€˜0�€™) for 10 s, and thirdly cold water (H = �€˜0�€™, C = �€˜1�€™) for 20 s, and this cycle is repeated another time; finally, the system goes idle (H = C = �€˜0�€™) to wait for another user service. During the operation the R_LED turns on and the water solenoid valve (SV) is on. Let us design the digital control system connected to the valves�€™ power driver using a PIC18F4520 microcontroller.

The same project designed using hardware is stated in D2.17.

Shower stall automation

Fig 1. Symbol for the proposed entity.


Organise the planning using design phases and design steps.