UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


CSD tutorials, assignments, questions, exams and assessment


Chapter 1 analysis tutorials and proposed projects

Analysis tutorials of circuits based on logic gates:

AT1.1 Circuit_C (P1) AT1.2 Circuit_W, (Lab1.1)
AT1.3 Circuit_W, (Lab1.2) AT1.4 Circuit_K
AT1.5 Circuit_P AT1.6 Circuit_Q

Analysis assignments from exams and post-lab projects:

A1.1 Circuit_L A1.2 Circuit_U
A1.3 Circuit_VT A1.4 Circuit_M
A1.5 Circuit_N A1.6 Circuit_G
A1.7 Circuit_R A1.8 Circuit_Z
A1.9 Circuit_Y

Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 design tutorials and proposed projects

Design tutorials of combinational circuits. In Chapter 3 these circuits are used for learning program organisation and basic digital input/output techniques:

  Plan A: structure, equations Plan B: behavioural, truth table Plan C2: hierarchical structure
DT1.1 Circuit_C (P1)    
DT1.2 Circuit_P    
DT1.3 Circuit_Q    
DT1.4 Circuit_K    
DT2.1 MUX_8, (Lab2) MUX_8, (Lab2) MUX_8
: MUX_8 using plan C1
Dual_MUX_4 Dual_MUX_4
Dual_MUX_4 (μC I/O basics) (Lab9)
DT2.3   Quad_MUX_2  /  Quad_MUX_4  
DT2.4 Dec_3_8 Dec_3_8 Rec. on Dec_3_8
DT2.5 Hex_7seg_decoder (P2) Hex_7seg_decoder  Dec_hex_7seg  
DT2.6 Enc_10_4 Enc_10_4 Enc_10_4 using Enc_8_3
DT2.7 Dec_4_16 Dec_4_16  
DT2.8 Tank_level_meter Tank_level_meter  
DT2.9 Bin_BCD_6bit Bin_BCD_6bit includes the DM74185  
DT2.10   BCD_bin_mod40  
DT3.1     Bin_BCD_9bit
DT3.2     Bin_BCD_16bit
DT3.3 Comp_1bit Comp_1bit Comp_1bit using the MoM
DT3.4 Comp_4bit   Comp_4bit
DT3.5     Comp_10bit
DT3.6 Adder_1bit Adder_1bit Adder_1bit MoD
Adder_1bit MoM, (Lab3)
DT3.7     Rec. on Adder_2bit
DT3.8     Ones_counter_8bit  (P3)
DT3.9     Adder_4bit carry lookahead (CLA)
Adder_4bit ripple carry (RC)
DT3.10 Adder_8bit, (Lab3)
DT3.11     Adder_16bit, (RC) (Lab4)
Adder_16bit, (CLA) (Lab4)
  Adder_BCD_1digit (P9) (design phase #1) 
Adder_BCD_1digit_LCD (design phase #2)
DT3.11     Mult_9bit
DT4.1     Int_add_subt_8bit (P4)


DT4.3     Int_Mult_9bit

Design assignments from exams and post-lab projects:

D1.1 B3.1 Wind compass D1.2 B3.2 BCD_7seg_decoder chip
D1.3 B3.3 5-bit ones counter D1.4 B3.4 From P1: Circuit_VT, Circuit_G, Circuit_U
D1.5 B3.5 8-bit subtractor using Subtractor_1bit D1.6 B3.6 Water tank level meter (9 sensors)
D1.7 B3.7 DeMUX_16, DeMUX_8 D1.8 B3.8 16-bit/8-bit comparator for base-2 numbers
D1.9 B3.9 16-bit comparator for integer numbers D1.10 B3.10 Parking occupancy (32-bit ones counter)
D1.11 B3.11 Sel _add_subt_comp_10bit D1.12 B3.12 5-bit Gray to binary converter
D1.13 B3.13 12-to-4 encoder, 8-to-3 encoder D1.14 B3.14 9-bit parity generator, parity checker
D1.15 B3.15 BCD_bin_3digit, code converter D1.16 B3.16 Bin_BCD_9bit, code converter
D1.17 B3.17 2-digit BCD adder D1.18 B3.18 ALU_12bit
D1.19 B3.19        

Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 analysis tutorials and proposed projects

Analysis of circuits based on latches and flip-flops:

AT2.1 Circuit_Async, (Lab5) AT2.2 Circuit_Sync1 (update)
AT2.3 Circuit_Async2  (P5) AT2.4 Circuit_Async4  (update)

Analysis assignments from exams and post-lab projects:

A2.1 Circuit_E (sync) A2.2 Circuit_A  (async)
A2.3 Circuit_D  (async) A2.4 Circuit_I  (async)
A2.5 Circuit_F (sync) A2.6 Circuit_B  (async)
A2.7 Circuit_C  (async) A2.8 Circuit_G  (async)
A2.9 Circuit_H  (async)    

Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 design tutorials and proposed projects

Design tutorials of sequential circuits (FSM) plan C1. In Chapter 3 these circuits are used for learning interrupts and microcontroller applications:

DT6.1 D_FF , D-type flip-flop    
DT6.2 JK_FF, JK flip-flop (also an RS-flip-flop)    
DT6.3 T_FF, Toggle flip-flop    
DT6.4 Matrix_encoder_16key  (P6)    
DT6.5 Light_control, classroom luminaries, (Lab6)    
DT6.6 LED bicycle torch    
DT6.7 Debouncing_filter, low-pass filter and synchroniser.    
DT6.8 Traffic light controller    
DT10.1   Design phase #1 Serial_transmitter (P10)
DT11.2   Design phase #2 Serial_transmitter_LCD (P11)
DT12.1   Design phase #3 Serial_transmitter_LCD_TMR0 (P12)
DT12.2   Design phase #4 Serial_transmitter_LCD_TMR2

Design tutorials on counters and registers:

  Plan X: FSM, state enumeration Plan Y: FSM, large number of states Plan C2: hierarchical structure
Counter_BCD_1digit Counter_BCD_1digit  
Counter_BCD_1digit, (Lab10), (design phase #1)  
DT11.3 Counter_BCD_1digit_LCD (design phase #2)  
DT12.3 Counter_BCD_1digit_LCD_TMR0 (design phase #3) where TMR0 as counter replaces INT0.
DT10.3   Counter_mod_1572, (Lab10)
DT7.2 Counter_mod12 Counter_mod12, (Lab7) Counter_mod12, (Lab7)
DT7.3 Counter_mod16 (versatile chip)
DT7.4 Hour_counter (P7)
DT7.5     Counter_BCD_mod60
DT7.6 Data_reg_4bit
DT7.7   Shift_reg_4bit  
DT10.4 Johnson_sequencer_mod12 (design phase #1)
DT11.4 Johnson_sequencer_mod12_LCD (design phase #2)  
DT12.4 Johnson_sequencer_mod12_LCD_TMR0 (design phase #3)  
DT7.7     counter_BCD_2digit.pdsprj  (modulo 100) in Proteus, plan C2, chaining two 1-digit BCD counters

Design tutorials on dedicated processors:

DT8.1 Timer_MMSS (P8)
DT8.2 Mult_4bit serial multiplier    
DT8.3 Adder_4bit serial adder
DT8.4 USART universal serial async receiver & transmitter
DT12.5   Design phase #1 Timer, (Lab11)
DT12.6 Design phase #2 Timer_LCD, (Lab11)
DT12.7 Design phase #3 Timer_LCD_TMR0, (Lab11)
DT12.8 Design phase #4 Timer_LCD_TMR2
DT12.9 (Arduino) Temp_meter
DT12.10   (Arduino) Tap_control

Design assignments on sequential systems and microcontrollers:

D2.1 D3.1 CD player buttons D2.2 D3.2 Stepper motor controller
D2.3 D3.3 Designing a LED rotator D2.4 D3.4 Pattern detector (versions 1 and 2)
D2.5 D3.5 LED dimmer D2.6 D3.6 7-segment digit sequencer
D2.7 D3.7 Dumbwaiter or simple lift D2.8 D3.8 Electronic keypad lock (versions A and B)
D2.9 D3.9 Water tank controller D2.10 D3.10 Vending machine
D2.11 D3.11 Wireless IR TV remote control D2.12 D3.12 Electronic roulette
D2.13 D3.13 3-digit programmable BCD down counter  D2.14 D3.14 Traffic light controller
D2.15 D3.15 16-key matrix encoder with handshake D2.16 D3.16 Scale (BCD up counter modulo 50000)
D2.17 D3.17 Shower stall automation D2.18 D3.18 Morse code generator
D2.19 D3.19 Washing machine controller D2.20 D3.20 Chip 74HC4017 (5-bit Johnson counter)
D2.21 D3.21 Programmable timer D2.22 D3.22 Bit pattern generator
D2.23 D3.23 Earbuds control buttons D2.24 D3.24 Rotation speed meter (tachometer)

Laboratory prototypes and PCB for soldering and measuring

Circuit_W (Lab1_2), MUX_DeMUX (Lab2), Dec_Hex_7seg (DE10-Lite)  ALU_9bit (Lab4),

Questions and controls

- Sample questionnaire Q1_4 on P1, P2, P3 and P4 projects.

- Sample questionnaire Q5_8 on P5, P6, P7 and P8 (content from all previous projects is included).

- Sample questionnaire Q9_12 on P9, P10, P11 and P12 projects (content from all previous projects is included).

Examples of mid-term exams  (EXA1)

- 2324Q2 pdf and solution ideas.

- 2324Q1 pdf and solution ideas. Prob1 circuit in Proteus.

- 2223Q2 pdf and solution ideas.

- 2223Q1 pdf and example solutions.

- 2122Q2 pdf and example solutions Prob1, Prob2.

- 2122Q1 pdf and example solutions. Prob1 and Prob4 in Proteus.

- 2021Q2 pdf and example solutions. Prob1 in Proteus (Version 8.12)

- 2021Q1 pdf and example solutions.

- 1920Q1 pdf and example solutions.

- 1819Q2 pdf and example solutions (Prob. 1 option B is here as the Circuit_Q).

- 1819Q1 pdf and discussed solutions (Prob1) (Prob2).

- 1718Q2 pdf and a discussed solution. This is the Problem 1 truth table in Minilog format. 

- 1718Q1 pdf and a Proteus simulation  to experiment the way it works, and a possible solution. The Gray_Bin_Converter (Chip1) in Minilog format.

- 1617Q2 pdf that contains many concepts develop since now through P1 .. P4. This is the Proteus file, the truth table in Minilog and the results when simplifying by PoS.

- 1617Q2 pdf. The truth table and the symbol in Proteus that can be simulated attaching this "jed" to the AM22V10 sPLD. This is a VHDL file using plan B (question 5), and this is the ispLEVER Classic report where you see the pin connections after synthesising the circuit.

Examples of final-term exams  (EXA2)

- 2324Q2 pdf and solution ideas. P1 in Proteus (method II)

- 2324Q1 pdf and solution ideas. P1 analysis (method I). P1 in Proteus (method II) to check the analytical result and edited printed output waves.

- 2223Q2 pdf and solution ideas. Question 10 async circuit in Proteus.

- 2223Q1 pdf and solution ideas. Prob1 in Proteus to check the analytical result.

- 2122Q2 pdf and solution ideas.

- 2122Q1 pdf and example solutions. Prob1 in Proteus. P1 in VHDL.

- 2021Q2 pdf and example solutions. Prob1 in Proteus.

- 2021Q1 pdf and example solutions (Prob1 - Proteus, Prob2, and Prob3 - Proteus).

- 1920Q2 pdf and example solutions.

- 1920Q1 pdf and example solutions.

- 1819Q2 pdf and example solutions (Prob1-Prob2) (Prob3, this is a tutorial solution on specifications and planning, like class notes. This is an example project in Proteus for the serial transmitter (Circuit, waves. This Prob3 is a kind of introduction for projects such N.15 where the USART peripheral is used for serial RS232 transmissions). 

- 1819Q1 pdf and example solutions (Prob1) (Prob2).

- 1718Q2 pdf and a draft solution example (Prob1, Prob2, Prob3).

- 1718Q1 pdf and a draft solution example.

Continuous assessment of student achievement 

CSD scheme of continuous assessment (grading sheet): 17 items, 11 of which include weekly formative feedback and discussion. Your partial grades will be available and updated at Atenea platform.