Adder_1bit: behavioural single-file VHDL plan B |
Behavioural design of a 1-bit full adder circuit (Plan B)
1. Specifications | Planning | Developing | Testing | Report | Prototype |
Design a 1-bit adder using a behavioural description.
Fig. 1. Symbol and truth table of a 1-bit adder circuit. It is also called full adder. |
This in Fig. 2 is a simple sketch that represents the truth table in time. The idea of applying input vectors that can be any binary combination.
Fig. 2. Timing diagram where all the inputs are applied sequentially and hence, the output is predicted accordingly to the truth table. |
Specifications | 2. Planning | Developing | Testing | Report | Prototype |
The VHDL file will be named Adder_1bit.vhd, the same name given to the entity. The project name is Adder_1bit_prj.
Plan B) Behavioural (flat, single-file project). This Fig. 3 shows a plan to write the truth table immediately in VHDL.
Fig. 3. Schematic ready for translation to VHDL. The truth table is captured directly and the only additional resources required are some buffer gates to be able to use the entity names. |
The project location is C:\CSD\P3\Adder_1bit_B\(files)
Specifications | Planning | 3. Developing | Testing | Report | Prototype |
Plan B behavioural. This is the translation to VHDL of the plan B1 above: Adder_1bit.vhd . Let us start a Quartus Prime project at the project location for a given target FPGA.
Specifications | Planning | Developing | 4. Testing | Report | Prototype |
An example test bench Adder_1bit_tb.vhd. Run the VHDL simulation EDA tool to obtain and discuss the timing diagram. Remember that from the testing point of view, even if you have designed the Adder_1bit architecture using other plans, you can use all the time the same testbench file concerning the entity under test.
Draw the testbench fixture schematic ready for VHDL translation.
Fig. 4. Test bench fixture to apply stimulus sto the circuit under test. |
The expected results for some operations are shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Example testbench showing results |
Specifications | Planning | Developing | Testing | 5. Report | Prototype |
Follow this rubric for writing reports.
Specifications | Planning | Developing | Testing | Report | 6. Prototype |
We can use the DE10-Lite board to implement this project, as shown in Lab 1.2. Study the user manual and generate an Adder_1bit_top schematic to assign input and output pins. Another prototype concerning arithmetic operations is presented in Lab 4.