FPGA and mC companies |
Classic digital technologies | Analogue chips and devices | Companies and chip manufacturers | Legacy |
Intel/Altera |
AMD/Xilinx |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Infineon/Cypress |
DE10-Lite (User manual) |
Terasic MAX II Micro Kit (User manual) Chip MAX II: EPM2210F324C3 (drivers USB Blaster) |
-DE2-115 Board (User manual,
board's block diagram) |
Intel/Altera |
AMD/Xilinx |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Infineon/Cypress |
Basys3 FPGA Board User manual and AMD software Vivado and ISim to implement and simulate the project. The Digilent Adept application to program the device. |
Intel/Altera |
AMD/Xilinx |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Infineon/Cypress |
MachXO starter kit FPGA MachXO: LCMXO640C-3TN144C |
Intel/Altera |
AMD/Xilinx |
Lattice Semiconductor |
Microchip |
Infineon/Cypress |
This is a typical Microchip brochure that shows the many tools involved in developing microcontroller designs.
Fig 3. Families of Microchip microcontrollers. Atmel has become part of Microchip with all its microcontroller portfolio embedded in the Microchip web. |
Preferred devices (depending on the semester) and IDE tools to be installed in your portable computer:
Prototyping boards, simulators, programmers and in-circuit debuggers:
MPLAB SNAP debugger / programmer |
Example to start Lab10 {Counter_BCD_1digit} |
User manual, schematics and sample projects from Microchip. IDE: MPLAB-X. Compiler: XC8 C Compiler. |
Example to start Lab10 {Counter_BCD_1digit}
Arduino materials and projects are archived on the DEE page.
Documentation. |