UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL



PLA7: Designing large counters, registers, dedicated processors



NOTE: This post lab assignment must be solved only after having completed successfully lab session Lab7 because you will copy and adapt ideas and materials from it.

And because these projects are solved using plan C2 including several components and specific architectures such dedicated processors, do not start thinking about solving your PLA unless you have studied  in detail P6, P7 and P8 tutorial projects and the corresponding lectures. The key idea for conceiving your PLA is: how can I design my project so that it looks like as much as possible as the other tutorial projects in CSD?


Example of individual assignments
  Project number Circuit entity Planning option Target chip
Group 1 D2.8 Keypad lock A Cyclone IV
Group 2 D2.12 Roulette 1 MAX II
Group 3 D2.12 Roulette 2 MAX 10
Group 4 D2.13 Programmable down counter   Cyclone IV
Group 5 D2.12 Roulette 3 Cyclone IV
Group 6 D2.11 TV remote control   MAX II
Group 7 D2.8 Keypad lock B MAX 10
... ... ...    


Invest in this project the corresponding study time, no more. This PLA7 is a kind of introduction to capstone projects for completing our chapters on VHDL design. It is not that important to complete all the project design phases than paying careful attention on specifications, finding similar commercial products, planning design phases, imagining the correct control signals and output devices, selecting and interconnecting components and propose feasible architectures. At this point you already have got enough experience to develop and test these applications if they are well planned. Therefore, focus your group discussion in producing a quality planning based on CSD standard components and procedures. 

Repeat this project flowchart for the several design phases:

Project idea

Time is a valuable finite resource. Learn to manage and maximise your study time: if after having studied in detail our materials, you do not find a component of your interest, ask questions on how to locate or adapt it from digsys lectures and projects and labs tutorials.


P_Ch2 marking grid for pprojects PLA4, PLA5, PLA6 and PLA7

P_Ch2 => 10%     => PLA5 (20%) + PLA6 (30%) + PLA7 (group, report + video, 50%)

Work assessments to be carried out in laboratory sessions (individual):
    2p 3p  

Note Work in progress includes completing tutorials, sample reports, sketches, diagrams, discussions, Q & A, presentations, live demonstrations, results, measurements, etc.


PLA7 handwritten report and video presentation (group):
Video Report  
  2p 3p    

Notes on lab assessment: student grades are not simply reflecting report or video quality, but implicitly, they include laboratory participation, questions and answers, problem solving skills, attendance and punctuality, active attitude and group work.


Reflect and give us your group feedback on what you learned in chapter 2 (from P5 to P8). Add a short paragraph in the final section of your PLA7 discussing aspects that you consider positive and negative.