UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


Lecture 3

L5.3: Flip-flop specifications and applications

[P5] - D-type, JK, and T flip-flops


[1/4] Data flip-flop (D_FF) Function table, state diagram, timing diagram

This is the full tutorial on designing our D_FF as another example of application of the FSM architecture, even if it is a simple two-state machine. In the development section of the tutorial you will find the VHDL files that translate the behaviour of this component. Deducing D_FF from RS_FF

As an alternative, we can add  a bit of theory using plan C2 to imagine D_FF from the previous RS_FF

Obtaining a D_FF from RS_FF Commercial chip

 A standard commercial D_FF is the 74HCT273. JK flip-flop (JK_FF) Function table, state diagram, timing diagram

This is the full tutorial on designing our JK_FF as another example of applying the FSM architecture, even if it is a simple two-state machine. In the development section of the tutorial you wil find the VHDL files that translate the behaviour of this component. Commercial chip

Classic chips of this kind are HEF4027B and 74HCT73. Toggle flip-flop (T_FF) Function table, state diagram, timing diagram

This is the full tutorial on designing our T_FF as another example of applying the FSM architecture, even if it is a simple two-state machine. In the development section of the tutorial you wil find the VHDL files that translate the behaviour of this component. Frequency divider by two

This is a simple and typical application of the T_FF, imagining it as a CLK's frequency divider by 2. We will take advantage of this circuit when inventing  CLK generator circuits in P8 for squaring pulsed signals.

Flip-flops are basic building blocks for digital systems. They are very well documented.

Programmable logic devices (PLD) implements logic functions using SoP or sums of minterns. Additionally each cell contain a flip-flop. For instance, the Lattice Semiconductor CPLD ispMACH4128V contains 128 logic blocks and macrocells. Each macrocell includes a configurable register D_FF along with some logic for CD, SD, CLK and enable.



2.3.7. Analysis of asynchronous and synchronous circuits based on flip-flops and logic

NOTE. Analysis of circuits with memory cells and gates (such the one presented in P5 is covered in several tutorial projects, where we propose three analysis methods: Method I: Handwritten pen-and-paper analysis and discussion. Method 2 Proteus simulation Method 3 VHDL synthesis and simulation.

Thus, let us repeat and apply again the same three P1 analysis methods. This below is another example circuit:


Specifications: Find the timing diagram and infer which binary codes are available at output W(2..0). Imagine that J is a 70% duty cycle waveform of 230 Hz, and fCLK = 2.5 kHz.

Planning: You can use the three analysis methods and compare results.

You can organise several steps:

Step #1: Only the first JK_FF Chip0

Step #2: Only Chip0 and Chip1

Step #3: The complete circuit


Exercise: Deduce the outputs of the circuit below:

