UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL

Legacy hardware: sPLD type 22V10


Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

Let us adapt the Counter_BCD_mod60 to a simple programmable logic device sPLD GAL22V10.

Up counter BCD modulo 60

Fig. 1. Symbol of the basic up counter in BCD code modulo 60.

There are two versions:

We will implement the basic features on the top design, such:

- Count enable switch (CE)

- Push-button for CLK edges or external oscillator connected throgh a header pin.

- TC60 LED indicator, terminal count, one pulse every 60 CLK's active risign edges.

- 8-output LED for counting in BCD units and tens.

Designing the counter reversible (UD_L) is not possible in a single sPLD, it does not contain enough logic esources.

7-segment displays can be added using extra sPLD's to implement the HEX_7seg_decoder to show the current counter count.

To check that our circuit works we can also use the Proteus simulator because this sPLD is modelled. It works simply attaching the output configuration file *.jed to the chip.

We will try to prototype the circuit in a standard protoboard programming the ispGAL22V10 using the ProtoGAL kit.

This is the time for reviewing the basic ideas on sPLD:

-Basics on sPLD.

- 22V10 architecture. Number of macrocells available for experimetation.

- How to program sPLD devices using the *.jed file.

- Proteus sPLD model.

- Electronic schematic: switches, LED, push-buttons, etc.

- Programmer. USB-parallel port adapter.


Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

We will follow the steps:

1. Develop and test functionally the application in Quartus Prime. Project folder:


2. Copy the project's VHDL source files in the Window 7 VM for resynthesising using ispLEVER Classic from lattice Semiconductor. Assign pins and generate the configuration file *.jed. Project folders in Windows 7:


3. Use Proteus to simulate the circuit functionality.

4. Use the ProtoGAL adapter to program the ispGAL device and prototype the experiment in a protoboard. 

The following fully annotated plan C2 schematic is proposed for this adaptation to the FPGA board.

Internal circuit for the Counter_BCD_mod60

Fig. 2. Counter_BCD_mod60_top adaptation.


Prototype specifications Planning Development and Test & Measurements

Developing will be integrated with testing for each of the planned steps. We can only go ahead when the current steps works correctly.

1. Quartus Prime project

To complete the synthesis and functional testing of our application, we can develop the project using our current Quartus Prime EDA. At this stage we can select any target FPGA.  

This are the two VHDL files required to translate our schematic in Fig. 2, the top Counter_BCD_mod60.vhd, and the component from our tutorial Counter_mod16.

empty box

Fig. 3. RTL view.


Functional test in a VHDL testbench.

empty box

Fig. 3. VHDL testbench.


A more realistic test can be carried out in Proteus

Proteus circuit

Fig. 4.  Proteus circuit using three GAL 22V10 devices


Testing the design using Proteus can be conveneintly done using its logic analyser instrument.

Waveforms from the Proteus logic analiser

Fig. 5.  Proteus waveforms printed from its logic analyser instrument.


2. ispLEVER Classic project. Pin assignment, configuration files

In this next stage, we can switch computers and tools to be able to target the obsolete sPLD device. Let us use the VM running Windows 7 and ispLEVER Classic EDA tool for synthesis. Use the shared drive between Windows 11 and Windows 7 to copy the VHDL source files into the virtual machine. 

empty box

Fig. 6. Shared folder C:\CSD\VM_W7 between Windows 11 and the Window 7 VM.

Let us start a new VHDL project for the sPLD including all the imported VHDL files. If we have to use the same environment for different legacy chips, it is convenient to organise the projects in separated folders. For instance:


This is the project to be opened in ispLEVER Classic Counter_BCD_mod60.zip.

Selecting the GAL


Compilation process


Once the project synthesised with no errors, the sPLD pins arfe assigned automatically as shown in Fig. 6. The final configuration file Counter_BCD_mod60.jed is also ready for programming the sPLD in the next step.

Pin assignment for the sPLD

Fig. 6. Pin assignments as reported by ispLEVER Classic.


3B. Programming the ispGAL sPLD using the *.jed in a ProtoGAL board

To download the configuration file into the sPLD we have two options depending on the deveice model: GAL22V10 or ispGAL22V20.


Fig. 7. ProtoGAL board.


Adapter from USB to Parallel



When ready, use the programmer tool installed in your Windows 11 computer to locate the target chip where to upload the configuration file. This is the sof file

empty box

Fig. 7. isProgrammer

This sPLD configuration step can be executed directly from the Programmer as an standard-alone app. Let us use the *.jed file for the sPLD produced above in ispLEVER Classic. The GAL22V10 will be detected as shown in Fig. 8. 

empty box

Fig. 8. Detecting the sPLD in the programmer.

Check that the Protogal board works correctly running the Counter_BCD_mod60 configuration.


3A. Programming the standard sPLD using the *.jed in an universal programer

To download the configuration file into the sPLD we have two options depending on the deveice model: GAL22V10 or ispGAL22V20.

empty box

Fig. 7. Universal programmer for the GAL22V10 using a Zero insertion force (ZIF) socket. 

When ready, use the programmer tool installed in your Windows 11 computer to locate the target chip where to upload the configuration file. This is the sof file

empty box

Fig. 7. isProgrammer

This sPLD configuration step can be executed directly from the Programmer as an standard-alone app. Let us use the *.jed file for the sPLD produced above by ispLEVER Classic. The GAL22V10 will be detected as shown in Fig. 8. 

empty box

Fig. 8. Detecting the sPLD in the programmer.

Check that the Protogal board works correctly running the Counter_BCD_mod60 configuration.