UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL



Basic concepts on TMR1 peripheral (PIC18F46K22)


TMR1 - TMR3 - TMR5 have similar architecture

1. Architecture and configuration bits

Study peripheral timer TMR1 architecture and configuration possibilities.

  1. Search for the peripheral section TMR1 in the microcontroller datasheet
  2. Analyse the peripheral's schematic or block diagram in Fig. 1. Determine what is its main characteristic compared with TMR0.
  3. Determine its design equation on how to use TMR1 as a counter of external events or timer using reference oscillators. We can choose between primary and secondary oscillators.

TMR1 16-bit register


TMR1 architecture


Secondary oscillator


Fig 1. Simplified hardware components (a kind of RTL view) of the TMR1 of the Microchip PIC18F46K22 from its datasheet. a) TMR1 16-bit counter. b) Architecture, c) Secondary oscillator circuit.


2. Example project

CSD_PICstick design phase #3 shows how to use TMR1 as a counter of external oscillator pulses for timing: a) 1 Hz and b) 12 Hz interrupts. In this application var_CLK_flag is the same as var_TMR1_flag.


Fig 2. Interpretation of TMR1 architecture using CSD conventions. Thus, a var_TMR1_flag is generated in the ISR() when the hardware TMR1IF interrupt is set after a timing period TP = TSOSC · N1 · N2