UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


Semiconductor companies and industry 


Lattice Semiconductor






Intel - (Altera)

Terasic DE10-Lite (User manual)
Chip: MAX 10: 10M50DAF484C7

We are using currently this board in labs. This DE10-Lite page explains how to install drivers and run an application.
Quartus Prime
Microkit Terasic MAX II Micro Kit (User manual)
Chip MAX II: EPM2210F324C3 (drivers USB Blaster)
DE-115  Terasic -DE2-115 Board (User manual, board's block diagram)
Chip: Cyclone IV EP4CE115F29C7
(IC FPGA 528 I/O 780 FBGA)
DE0  Terasic DE0 Board Chip: Cyclone III: 3C16F484C6N
DE2 Altera - Terasic -DE2 Board Chip: Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6


AMD (Xilinx)


Nexys2 FPGA Board


User manual and software ISE and ISim to implement and simulate the project (currently this software v. 14.7 is executed in a VM in Windows 10). The Digilent Adept application to program the device.

Chip (FPGA): Spartan-3E XC3S500E-FG320

Schematics and documents (1).

ISIm wave colour scheme with white blackground.

Logo Xilinx AMD 


CoolRunner-II CPLD Starter Board

User manual and ssoftware ISE and ISim to implement and simulate the project and the Digilent Adept to program de device.

Chip (CPLD): XC2C256-TQ144 - 7

Documents (1)



Lattice Semiconductor



Hardware Design JK

Die Experimentierplatine für die Digitaltechnik

Lattice ispMach 4000 (CPLD)

Chip: ispMach4128V TQFP100

Schematics and documents (1), (2), (3) (driver USB)





Lattice logo





USB Starter Evaluation Board


Chip: LCMXO640C-3TN144C

Documents (1), (2), (3), (4)

protoboard Chip: ispGAL22V10

GAL22V10 protoboard details (1), (2)
1-digit BCD counter



This is a Microchip  brochure that shows the many tools involved in developing microcontroller designs.

Chips and tools: PIC16F/PIC18F and AVR ATmega architectures, the integrated development environment (IDE), C language compiler XC8, microcontroller simulation (Proteus - VSM), and training and prototyping boards (PICDEM2 plus, AVR mega 16/32 starter development board, Arduino, etc.).

Atmel AVRPIC's

Fig 3. Families of Microchip microcontrollers. Atmel has become a Microchip division with all its microcontroller portfolio embedded in the Microchip web.

 Preferred devices (depending on the semester) and IDE tools to be installed in your portable computer:

Prototyping boards, simulators, programmers and in-circuit debuggers:

Explorer 8

Explorer 8 

User manual, schematics and sample projects from Microchip.

IDE: MPLAB-X. Compiler: XC8 C Compiler.

Example to start Lab10 {Counter_BCD_1digit}



PICkit 3

In-Circuit programmer and debugger. (ref.)



In-circuit debugger and programmer tool

ICD 3 tool: (ref.)


ICD tool for programming and debugging



PICDEM2 board

User manual, schematics and sample projects from Microchip.

Chip: PIC16F877A (the new replacement for the PIC16F873A, the PIC16F883 is available in Proteus)

Example to start Lab10 {Counter_BCD_1digit}


virtual board

PICDEM2 simulated in Proteus-VSM

Board with PIC18F4520

Board with a PIC18F46K22

Demo default for the PIC16F877 (old board)

Example for PIC18F46K22

Board  Easy-PIC 40

This is another example of board for discovering PIC microcontrollers. EasyPIC-40. (manual, schematic)


PIC16F 8-bit MCU Development Study Learning Board Kit. CSP (PICkit 2 or similar) is required to program the chip.

Schematic and example code.

Arduino materials.

Arduino UNO board


Circuit schematic


Example in Proteus.