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Academic Communication in English

Tools, Guidelines and Support for Research and Technology Transfer

1. Clarify the type of text you plan to write

The tools and links we recommend will mention different types of articles and documents. Before starting to read advice, it’s important to know the names and categories of the types of writing you’re planning. Follow these three simple steps:

Step 1: Make a brief visit to the main menu of types of writing from the engineering department of Colorado State University in the USA. This list will suggest many basic document types.

Step 2: Look at the full range of writing for one engineering field by consulting Table 1 of the following research article. The table gives an excellent overview of different genres and their purposes in computer engineering. The ‘Dissemination’ and ‘Evaluation (Reviews)’ sections will be of most interest to publishing academics.

Orr T. Genre in the field of computer science and computer engineering. IEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 1999;41(1);32-7

Step 3: Analyze your own field’s writing briefly

2.Publishing Your Research in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Comprehensive ‘How-to-Write’ textbooks online
Personal preferences and learning styles dictate which one of the many ‘how-to’ manuals, handbooks, or writing guides an engineer will prefer. We’ve looked at a number of online ones with a technical writer’s needs in mind. We can recommend these two.

Tips for research writing, by article sections
Many article types and other documents contain similarly structured sections. Caution: While writing your article, always look at your target journal to see how the best authors combine the ‘standard’ sections. There is considerable variety between engineering disciplines in the way they fit the basic elements together.

Tips for research writing, by specific fields
The writing center at Colorado State University in the USA gives advice for the following fields:

The also have a good main menu of types of writing :

Tips on citing and documenting sources
Readers become confused when the boundaries between a writer’s ideas and those already in the literature aren’t clear because of misconceptions about how to use references. Furthermore, if misplacement is complicated by the use of cut–paste ‘composition’ of a text, the writer is vulnerable to accusations of plagiarism even if sources have been cited. We’ve seen publication delayed because of cut–paste writing and article acceptances revoked by journals because too much of it has been detected late in the editorial process.

Tips on managing co-authoring

Engineers and scientists work and write in teams. The most prestigious research centers give within-department peer review before a paper is submitted. However, writers at many universities complain that co-authors give little feedback, but then journals’ peer reviewers give brutal criticism. We find that presenting a specific task to pre-submission readers or co-authors improves a writer’s chance of getting useful, focused feedback. Presenting a task seems to reduce the level of stress readers feel when they’re asked to give opinions to writers they know.

Publishing tips in Spanish

The website of Juan Miguel Campanario has advice and scientific publication information in Spanish. The author, at the physics faculty of the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, says, El peor castigo para un investigador no es que las revistas rechacen sus artículos; … el indicio más evidente de fracaso científico, es que nadie lea, cite, utilice o valore sus artículos....’

3. Consultancy and Workplace Communication

Engineers write many documents for industry, governmental agencies, the courts or institutional clients. They may not be officially ‘published’ but they’re necessary for persuading policy makers to take action. Many such documents must be ‘published’ internally for readers that may be limited but nevertheless international and possibly influential. They have to be written to a high standard and presented well.

Advice on proposals, progress reports and more, from engineers for engineers

How to publish institutional or corporate documents. These guidelines set the standard for professional-quality publication of corporate or institutional memoranda such as are published by universities, governmental organs and many other bodies with internal but international communication needs.

4.Promoting Your Written Ideas: Speaking, Posters and Webpages to Spread Your Messages

Successful academics point out that writing well and publishing strategically is only part of the story of successful communication. You have to promote your ideas, formally and informally, in various media at the same time.

The assertion–evidence slide design for speakers is an innovative approach developed by engineers for engineers. Michael Alley at Virginia Tech explains how to create slides that make more impact and support better retention of information than the typical ‘bullet point’ format.

Poster examples and templates applying the assertion–evidence format from Michael Alley’s Virginia Tech website.

Write more effective bullet points. After reading about the assertion–evidence approach to better slides, if you still want to use slides with traditional titles plus bullet points, we have two tips:

  1. Don’t use the MS Power Point default sizes for obvious words like ‘Introduction’ or ‘Results’. Make such obvious titles more discrete and use larger type for your real messages.
  2. Look at examples of how to write effective bullet points that make explicit assertions. From the University of Toronto.

Posters: step-by-step advice from the University of Kansas Medical Center’s communication website.

Listen to expert speakers to improve your style.

Writing for the WWW

5.Online English Language Aids

Multilingual specialized term databases

Mathematics in English: Polish mathematician Jerzy Trzeciak organizes this site as a glossary, but it’s more than that. Trzeciak exemplifies each word with sentences from technical publications, showing ways to combine words with formulas. You may already know what words like partition, converse or know mean—but this glossary can help you use them effectively in technical discussions.

Academic English punctuation: simple rules are outlined in an easy-to-consult way by the University of Wisconsin writing center They are a good place to start building a foundation.

Punctuation rules and manuscript conventions that are typical of English are outlined on the website for The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus. Although the grammar advice mainly addresses the errors of native speakers of English; the punctuation notes are universally useful.

 Parallelism and verb tenses from the online writing Lab at Purdue University in the USA. This website has self-help grammar and punctuation lessons for non-English speaking writers. Some of them are relevant to writers of research papers and other professional documents. Our recommendations:

Grammar through engineering examples from Virginia Tech. Here, grammar is taught in a way that’s worthy of a busy engineering researcher’s attention—it’s completely relevant to your writing. From Michael Alley.

Grammar, punctuation, and capitalization: A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors by Mary K. McCaskil at Langley Research Center in the USA. This grammar ‘book’ uses traditional categories and some original ones. Authentic examples for engineers are used everywhere. To sample it, look at the section on the always-problematic concept of parallelism and itemization. Or the one on ambiguous comparisons. Unfortunately, at present (November 2007) only the 100-page PDF version is still available for downloading and the hyperlinked NASA version is offline.

Common grammar problems in the technical writing of non-native English speakers are discussed in the Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing.

Analyze word use in context with a simple online tool. Resolve your doubts efficiently with a ‘concordancer’ a simple tool that lets you see words aligned so you can observe their context in natural sentences. This type of display can help you with questions like ‘What preposition comes after attend?’ or ‘How can I use the verb submit when I send my manuscript to the journal?’

The Elements of Style  

No list of English language resources would be complete without mentioning the very short book by Cornell University professor William Strunk, Jr. First published in 1918 and later edited by Strunk’s more famous student, writer E.B. White, today it’s affectionately called ‘Strunk and White’s Elements of Style’. Much advice about writing in modern English that is repeated in technical manuals derives from this little book. It is the source of widely held preferences for strong verbs and active voice, of certain modern syntax-based punctuation rules, and of the special English esthetic of ‘tightness’ (the opposite of ‘wordiness’), and much more.