UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


CSD intended learning outcomes and organisation


Learnng outcomes

Our main learning objective is that upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

Systematically specify, plan, develop, simulate, report, prototype and verify simple digital circuits and systems, using state-of-the-art digital programmable devices and microcontrollers, CAD/EDA software tools and laboratory instruments, by means of cross-curricular competences and PBL methodology.

Course organisation

The course workload is 150 hours / 6 ECTS. This is a short presentation rec. of our course organisation and syllabus. The way to attend CSD is simple: attend all classes and let us design projects every week by means of this planning schedule and project-based learning (PBL) techniques. Recommended study time is 10 h per week including classes and labs. Be aware that in CSD practising cross-curricular skills applied to project solving is as important and the specific content.

This is the syllabus of CSD as a book table of content. The main topics that can be found in books on fundamentals of digital circuits and systems are covered in our course.

These are video recordings to clarify specific topics, concepts and proceeding when using EDA tools and designing circuits.

This is CSD assessment scheme, and also an archive of exams, projects, assignments and questions. 

You are encouraged to participate actively in class, in labs, by email or meet and help as much as possible your mates working together in cooperation as if you were already working in real-world engineering companies.

UPC printing, from where you can scan and print documents using EETAC printer-scanner machines.

Let it be a fair play: commitment to academic integrity at the UPC.

EDA software resources:

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
            PROTEUS VSM     minilog.exe     Notepad++      
VHDL C language
EDA tools for CPLD/FPGA synthesis and simulation:
Intel Quartus Prime / ModelSim Intel FPGA Starter Edition
EDA tools for microcontrollers: Microchip (PIC18F/16F/Atmega) MPLABX / XC8

NOTE: CSD software can be download to your portable or home computer in Windows 10/11. Ask us for Proteus Cloud Licence and upgrade the software to the latest version available (currently Proteus 8.17 SP2).

 Hardware resources:

 FPGA and microcntroller training boards will facilite using instruments, equipment and software from the laboratories realising experiments and proposed practices and analyzing obtained results.

Browsing digsys:  

Colour scheme for easy browsing:

Chapter 1 highlighted projects.
  Lectures on chapter 1 organised in one-hour sessions.
  Chapter 1 other sample projects.
Chapter 1 units focused on explaining specific concepts.
  Chapter 2 highlighted projects.
Lectures on chapter 2 organised in one-hour sessions.
  Chapter 2 other sample projects.
    Chapter 2 units focused on explaining specific concepts.
Chapter 3 highlighted projects.
  Lectures on chapter 3 organised in one-hour sessions.
  Chapter 3 other sample projects.
  Chapter 3 units focused on explaining specific concepts.
Laboratories organised in two-hour sessions.
  Project design sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6
Project specification options
Analysis methods and design plans
References to main menu tabs.
Cross-curricular skills.
Notes, remarks, comments.
Tutorial recordings in YouTube channel.
Project submission due dates, exams and questionnaires.
  Content under revision or in preparation.
Optional materials to go ahead if you have interest in learning extra content.


Optionally, you can show and archive your projects and reflections by means of constructing your ePortfolio. This device allows discussion on what you have learnt in this 6 ECTS university course. These materials will be useful for you in other subjects in telecommunications or even in your final bachelor thesis.