UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


Lecture 3

L12.3:  Other peripherals, projects and demonstations

[P12] Microcontroller applications, research papers and final bachelor thesis



3.8.4. Other examples

3,8.4.1. Johnson_sequencer_mod12_LCD_TMR0 (design phase#3) Serial transmitter with LCD and TMR2  (P12) (design phase#4) Duty-cycle modulator: LED dimmer


Exercise: Find in the PIC18F4520 datasheet the TMR2 schematic. Configure the bits for generating a TP = 755 ms timing period.


3.9. Optional. Other peripherals

3.9.1. TMR1

TMR1 is specially suited to be used with and external 32.768 kHz crystal CLK. The real-time base for a large range of applications.

3.9.2. Other peripherals

A/D converter for acquiring analogue signals, non-volatile EEPROM memory to save data, I2C, SPI and USART communications, analogue comparator, pulse width modulator (PWM), etc.


3.10. Optional. Other microcontrollers

3.10.1. Microchip 8-bit families: PIC10F, PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F,  ATtiny, ATmega, etc.

Examples for other μC (currently Proteus EETAC licence is not available and cannot be simulated).

- In A3.5 you can find the P8 programmable Timer HHMM complete project solved using a µC ATmega8535. Adapt it to  ATmega328P (Arduino chip) or the PIC18F4520.

- This is a timer project targeting PIC16F877A microcontroller. Adapt it to a PIC18LF45K50 new device.


3.10.2. Microcontroller Arduino: ATmega328P chip.

3.10.3. Computer Raspberry Pi: ARM chip, Linux OS, Python and other high-level languages.

3.11. Optional. Other project examples, final bachelor thesis, research papers, books, optional subjects, etc.

List of projects to show you applications of electronic circuits. Books, reasearch papers, bachelor thesis.

Example: analyse and run this project #4 on the design of a bicycle speed meter (ideas on cyclocomputers). How to add a new feature like an odometer to measure riding distances up to 100 km? Measuring the frequency of a signal.

Additonal materials on electronic equipment design DEE also intended for bachelor or master thesis (TFE) preparation.


« Un bon maître a ce souci constant : enseigner à se passer de lui.»

André Gide


« Education is really aimed at helping students get to the point where they can learn on their own...»

Noam Chomsky