Basic concepts on microcontrollers (μC) |
List of common introductory topics for a mid-range PIC18F familly of microcontrollers:
Microprocessor (CPU+ROM+RAM+ basic I/O). Microcontroller (Microprocessor + peripherals).
Harvard versus Von Neumann architecture. Concept of interconnection bus.
8-bit ALU. Status register and flags (C, Z, DC, OV, etc.) . Working register (W) or accumulator.
Program memory (EEPROM/Flash) and program execution. Stack memory and stack overflow.
Data memory (RAM) size and organisation. Registers and configuration registers.
Assembly language and instructions.
Oscillator and CLK circuits: RC, quartz, etc.
Reset (MCLR_L)and Power-On reset circuits.
I/O port pins. Bidirectional pins. Bus and tri-state logic gates.
IDE and our preferred design flow.
C compiler. Step by step execution. Watch window. Break points, debugging.
Instruction execution time. Main infinite program loop. Polling/sampling time.
Interrupts. The idea of detecting important events that will disturb the main program. Interrrupt service routine ISR().
Interrupt sources.
Enabling and priorising interrupts. Configuration bits.