UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL



Installing and using Multisim and Ultiboard

Lab 1


Install Multisim and Ultiboard and licence them using the UPC codes. How to proceed is explained in this EETAC page.



Fig. 1. Multisim education to download.  Multisim and Ultiboard opening windows. Both applications will work concurrently on the design of schematics and their printed circuit boards.

Activate the software using licence numbers supplied from the UPC.

NI License manager

Fig. 2. With NI license manager you can activate your NI software using our UPC licenses.


Verifying Multisim and Ultiboard

Explore sample projects and check how schematics and PCB windows are working concurrently. For instance open a new folder in your C drive "C:\EMC\LAB1\Getting_Started" and unzip this file Getting_Started.zip. Open the project file that contains both the schematic and the PCB. Keep both windows synchronised using net file transfers.

New project getting started Schematic


Fig. 3. Sample project (extension .mp14) for Ultiboard PCB (extension .ewprj) and  Multisim schematic (extension .ms14).