UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL



P_Ch3: Designing a microcontroller application based on FSM architecture



NOTE: EDA in use this semester: Proteus electrical simulator, Notepad++ editor, Microchip MPLABX and XC8 compiler.

1. Specifications

The aim of this project is to reinvent the digital programmable timer Prog_Timer following similar specifications and planning ideas presented in P_Ch2. Therefore, we  will emphasise how an application is adapted to C language and microcontrollers in comparison on how it was engineered previously to hardware design.


Fig. 1. Symbol of the final Prog_Timer as solved in design phase #3.



Fig. 2. Example of waveforms in design phase #1 where an external CLK source is used as time-base. A TRG pulse, for instance clicking a button, triggers the timing period. Once the timing period (TP) ends, a single pulse of 50·TCLK duration is generated to indicate that the device will be back to idle and can be used again for programing any other timing interval.

Extra features may be added optionally introducing new design phases once the basic project is complete and operates correctly. For instance: Retriggerable switch to be able to generate arbitrary large timing periods, TMR2 instead of TMR0 to obtain higher precision, alarm sound to indicate end of timing period, serial (RS232) or keypad pulse count PC programing, selectable time scale: 1ms, 100 ms, 1s, etc.


2. Planning

Planning several design phases (subprojects):


Due date May 24

On basic digital I/O



May 31

Prog_Timer design phase #1: Adapting FSM to μC using external interrupts.




June 10

Prog_Timer design phase #2: peripheral LCD



June 10

Prog_Timer phase #3: TMR0 time-base



To make P_Ch3 simple and reasonable in the given time constraints and be able to embed its design within CSD course timeline, we propose adapting to uC the architecture designed in P_Ch2 by means of successive design phases introducing one new feature at a time.


3. Developing and testing

The development and test of P_Ch3 implies solving each subproject beforehand and the final programing in C language of the complete system Prog_Timer_LCD_TMR0.

In Chapter 3 testing is interactive using Proteus while programming and debugging C code step by step. 

4. Reporting

Marking grid

Work assessments to be carried out in laboratory sessions:
  SP3_1 SP3_2    
  1p 1p    

Note Work assessment in lab sessions is Individual


P_Ch3 handwritten report and video presentation:
SP3_1 SP3_2 SP3_3 Video P_Ch3
1p 1p 2p 2p 2p

Notes on lab assessment: student grades are not simply reflecting report or video quality, but implicitly, they include laboratory participation, questions and answers, problem solving skills, attendance and punctuality, active attitude and group work.

For instance, SP3_1 annex in PDF report may be a group submission including improvements on SP3_1 materials discussed during lab work assessments.

Follow this rubric for writing reports.

Former lab projects (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)