UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL



SP2_4: Implementing counters and registers



NOTE: This subproject must be solved only after having completed successfully lab session Lab7 because you will copy and adapt materials from it.

1. Specifications

Objective: Design the datapath (Chip2) component of the Prog_Timer using the internal architecture proposed in Fig. 2.



Fig. 1. Datapath component becomes the Chip2 in the Prog_Timer dedicated processor architecture.


2. Planning

This is the proposed architecture based on plan C2 using several components and signals. Observe how all the  wires, even the unconnected has to be given a name for proper translations to VHDL.


Fig. 2. Datapath internal architecture based on memory and operational resources such counters, registers and arithmetic combinational circuits.


Project and file location:



3. Developing

Translate one plan for each component to VHDL and start a synthesis project for a given target chip.

Print and discuss RTL and technology views.

Deduce the number of registers used in the datapath component.


4. Functional testing

For this project, due to its complexity, let us not to test it now because there is too much work organising the many stimulus signals generated by the FSM. Therefore, we propose to complete and develop P_Ch2 and check it all using only TRG button and PC values.


5. Gate-level testing

The same indication in 4. Functional testing


6. Report

 Component Comp_24bit do not have to be discussed because it was designed in SP2_1. You are designing several components and a top circuit Datapath to be annexed in P_Ch2 report.